Sept. 1, 2023
With school beginning and hot temperatures continuing, it is now time to prepare for hurricane season on the Gulf Coast! Fun fact. Did you know that hurricanes hit the Emerald Coast on average every 8 to 9 years? As far as consistency, our average of natural disasters could be worse but it's beneficial to know basic information about hurricanes before one strikes.
Hurricanes bring high winds and flooding caused by heavy rain and water pushed onto the shore from the tropical storm system. During the storm's impact do not venture outside. The storm's high winds will collect debris and have the potential to move large objects at a very high speed. The impact from airborne objects can be deadly. The storm is also likely to cause flooding from the storm surge and excessive rainfall. DO NOT swim in the flood water as it contains multiple hazards that can cause serious injuries. Top wind speeds during the storm can reach up to 200 MPH, commonly causing tornadoes to form as well. The aftermath for residents consists of piecing properties back together and helping each other through the cleanup process with a lack of power, water, and food. Preparation before a hurricane strikes is key to avoid struggling to find resources. The Marino Team has compiled an essential Hurricane Preparation List to help residents stay safe!
Hurricane Preparation List
1. Cover up doors and windows with permanent storm shutters or sheeting. The garage door is the most vulnerable door.
2. Move all motor vehicles to a secure location.
3. Trim trees with limbs close to your home before a storm hits.
4. Bring outdoor items inside that can be easily tossed such as trash cans and furniture.
5. Anchor down items that cannot be brought inside.
6. Clean out all drains, gutters, and downspouts before a storm hits.
7. Remember, flooding can happen fast! If you are in a flood-prone area elevate or remove any important items in your home that may be impacted by flood waters. It is also wise for you and your family to evacuate to higher grounds before the storm makes landfall.
8. If you do not evacuate, prepare a space to go if your home is flooding. Make sure this space is not enclosed as you do not want to become trapped.
9. Be ready to be without power. This can last for several days.
10. Review insurance policies.
11. Keep protective materials such as plastic sheeting.
12. Fill water containers with drinking water.
13. Keep a battery-powered radio.
14. Have a battery pack or a way to charge your cell phone.
15. Stock up on food, water, medicine, and ice.
16. Create a stay-at-home kit containing flashlights, generators, batteries, first aid, etc.
Where to get Hurricane Information
1. TV
2. Phone
3. Radio
4. Social Media
5. Computer
Everyone please stay safe during this hurricane season!